Led by Nico and Angi Hammond, the Catalan Education Center is a place where children are nurtured while their parents make their living. It has allowed Catalan to receive the entire family unit without long periods of separation, especially during the harvest.
The Educational Center at Finca Catalan was founded early 2021. After starting with some tables underneath the trees, only a few kids and one teacher, we could move into the new School building a couple of weeks later and added another teacher to be able to receive more children.
Parents working at the farm now have a place where they can leave their children while harvesting; a safe option for learning, playing, and growing.
The project, known as the "Catalan´s Educational Center“ has been providing free education and other essential resources to the children of the farmworkers, ensuring that they have the necessary tools to succeed in life.
The curriculum focuses on core subjects such as reading, writing, math, and science, as well as providing instruction in important life skills such as hygiene, nutrition, and environmental awareness.
Our trained teachers show the children how to grow and harvest their own vegetables and herbs in a green house that Is located on the school property.